The questioner asked: What should be our balanced approach in dealing with the celebration of the Prophet’s ﷺ birthday and those who celebrate it?
Here are the points covered in this video clip:
- The Correct Position with Regards to The Mawlid of The Prophetﷺ
- Evidences from The Prophetic Sunnah Regarding the Dangers of Innovation Such as in the Ḥadīth of ʿĀʾishah where the Messenger of Allāhﷺ said: “Whoever Innovates Into This Religion of Ours (i.e. Islām) That Which Is Not From It, Will Have It Rejected.” (Ṣaḥīḥ Al-Bukhārī & Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim)
- The Completion of the Religion
- Evidences of the Completion of the Religion of Allāh
- The Companion’s View on The Mawlid of The Prophetﷺ
- The True Love of the Ṣaḥābah Towards The Prophetﷺ and His Sunnah Such as – Did Abū Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthmān or ‘Alī Encourage with the Celebration of the Mawlid of the Prophetﷺ or Did Any One of Them Celebrate the Mawlid of the Prophetﷺ ?
- Did Any of the Other Ṣaḥābah Celebrate the Mawlid of the Prophet ﷺ or Encourage with the Celebration of the Mawlid of the Prophet ﷺ?
- The Correct Means of Attaining the True Love of the Prophet ﷺ is by Following His Sunnah
- The Prophet Being the Best Example Sent to Mankind by Allāh
- The True Adhesion of the Sunnah in Comparison to Those Who Give Lip Service
- The Correct Means of How One Demonstrates the Love of the Prophet ﷺ Such as:
- Believing How the Prophet ﷺ Believed
- Praying How the Prophet ﷺ Prayed
- Trying to Have One’s Character in Accordance to the Character of the Prophet ﷺ
- Adhering to the Sunnah of the Prophetﷺ in Regards to Appearance
- Ahl Al-Sunnah Wal-Jamā’ah Position on The Mawlid of the Prophet ﷺ
- Ahl Al-Sunnah Wal-Jamā’ah Rejection of All Innovations
- The Mawlid of the Prophet Being a Means to Greater Evil Such as:
- Shirk
- Claiming the Prophetﷺ Attends Gatherings
- The Prophetﷺ has Knowledge of the Unseen
- A Brief Look into Where the Practice of the Mawlid Originated from