How Much of Sūrah Al-Baqarah Do We Need To Recite To Chase Away the shayṭān From Our Homes and Will A Recording Suffice by Shaykh Ḥasan Ṣomālī

Pivotal Excerpt ❝Shaykh Ibn ʿUthaymīn (رحمه الله) asked this question in his commentary upon Saḥīḥ Muslim, ‘The protection that is mentioned in this ḥadīth, is it attained when a person completes the recitation of Sūrah Al-Baqarah or when a person starts to recite Sūrah Al-Baqarah?’ He said the answer is, …

Aliens or Jinn and The Companion That Was Abducted by Shaykh Abū Ḥakīm Bilāl Davis

Pivotal Quote “The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: فَإِنَّ لِلْجِنِّ  اِنْتِـشَارًا وَ خَطْفَةً ‘The Jinn spread across the land and kidnap.’ [Abū Dāwūd]” Watch Full Answer [6:27 Mins] A part of an answer to a question about seeing the jinn posed to Shaykh Abū Ḥakīm Bilāl Davis for our …