Pivotal Excerpt
❝That which is legislated as it relates to saying āmīn, is to say āmīn to the live supplication. Remember that āmīn means ‘oh Allāh answer the supplication.’ They said that which is legislated is to say āmīn for the live supplication.❞
Question and Answer [1:54 Mins]
Is it okay to say āmīn to a supplication that was recorded before you saw or heard it?
This question was posed to the permanent committee and they responded by saying, that duʿā’ – supplication, and saying āmīn to the supplication, is worship.
That which is legislated as it relates to saying āmīn, is to say āmīn to the live supplication. Remember that āmīn means ‘oh Allāh answer the supplication.’ They said that which is legislated is to say āmīn for the live supplication.
As for the supplication that is recorded upon a cassette tape: and the same applies to anything that is recorded whether it is on television or on a laptop or other than that, they said, ‘it is not legislated to say āmīn for the supplication that has been recorded because that recording does not have a person live and present in reality making a supplication.’
Alḥamdu lillāh, when we answer the questions, we appreciate the service of our senior scholars to the Ummah and how they address many of the questions of the Muslims globally.
We should not forget to ask Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى) to reward and bless them, to have mercy upon the scholars that have passed away and to preserve our scholars that are living.
Wa jazākumullāhu khayran wa Allāhu aʿlam.