Pivotal Excerpt
❝As it relates to the Kāfir – he is ghayr al-ḥarbī – (someone who is not at war or hostile to the Muslims). Imām An-Nawawī (رحمه الله) mentions,
ويجوز للمسلم أن يعزي الذمي بقريبه الذمي
“It is permissible for the Muslim to offer condolences to the non-Muslim who is a relative and also for their non-Muslim relative”
This is clearly with the stipulation that a person says something that is permissible to say, for example, “Condolences for your loss,” or the likes of that. As for asking Allāh to forgive or have mercy upon the non-Muslim that passed away, then this is Muḥarram (forbidden) by Ijmā’ (consensus).❞
Question and Answer [2:36 Mins]
Is it permissible to offer condolences to a neighbor who is not Muslim if one of their family members die?
This is an issue that the scholars differ over, i.e, (تعزية الكافر) taʿziyat al-kāfir – offering condolences to the non-Muslim. This question is with regards to a family member of theirs who is also a non-Muslim.
Giving Condolences To Non-Muslims That Are Not Hostile To The Muslims.
As it relates to the Kāfir – he is ghayr al-ḥarbī – (someone who is not at war or hostile to the Muslims). Imām An-Nawawī (رحمه الله) mentions,
ويجوز للمسلم أن يعزي الذمي بقريبه الذمي
“It is permissible for the Muslim to offer condolences to the non-Muslim who is a relative and also for their non-Muslim relative”
This is clearly with the stipulation that a person says something that is permissible to say, for example, “Condolences for your loss,” or the likes of that. As for asking Allāh to forgive or have mercy upon the non-Muslim that passed away, then this is Muḥarram (forbidden) by Ijmā’ (consensus).
The Different Opinions Of The Scholars.
With regards to offering condolences to non-Muslims, ahlul ʿilm have highlighted the difference of opinion among the scholars.
Shaykh Ibn Al-‘Uthaymīn (رحمه الله) mentioned,
وقال الشيخ ابن عثيمين )رحمه الله : (تعزية الكافر إذا مات له من يعزى به من قريب أو صديق، وفي هذا خلاف بين العلماء، فمن العلماء من قال إن تعزيتهم حرام، ومنهم من قال: إنها جائزة، ومنهم من فصل في ذلك، فقال: إن كان في ذلك مصلحة كرجاء إسلامهم وكف شرهم الذي لا يمكن إلا بتعزيتهم فهو جائز، وإلا كان حراماً.
“As it relates to offering condolences to non-Muslims if one of their relatives or friends die, then there is a difference of opinion between the scholars. Some of them say that it is forbidden. Some say that it is allowed, and some of them elaborate and give further details. They say that if there is a maṣlaḥah (a benefit) in offering them condolences, like hoping for them to accept Islām, or to repel their harm, and other than that, and it is not possible to attain this without offering condolences, then it is permissible, but otherwise, it is forbidden.”
Similarly, the Permanent Committee said, “If there is a maṣlaḥah ‘āmmah, (a general benefit), then it is allowed with that which is lawful and permissible to say.” There is also something similar narrated from Shaykh Ibn Bāz (رحمه الله) and other scholars. May Allāh (سبحانه و تعالى) have mercy upon the dead and may Allāh preserve the living. Āmin.