Is It Extreme To Avoid Hugging and Kissing Loved Ones During The COVID-19 Social Distancing Rules by Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī

Pivotal Quote

“As for the people in your house (your wife and your kids), you will know whether or not they are sick. So this does not apply to them. If there is someone in your house who is sick, you have that person minimise contact with the others so as not to get them sick.”


In applying the advice given by doctors to stay away from interacting with others and to avoid hugging, kissing and handshaking, some people even avoid hugging and kissing their own wife and children. So is this a form of extremism and what is the correct stance when it comes to this issue?


The Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, “The sick person is not to be in the presence of the healthy person.” So if we know that someone is sick, we are not to shake hands with them. Also, if we know that there is a sickness that is widespread and is going around and there is someone that we do not know if he is sick or not, we should not shake hands with them.

As for the people in your house (your wife and your kids), you will know whether or not they are sick. So this does not apply to them. If there is someone in your house who is sick, you have that person minimise contact with the others so as not to get them sick. And Allāh knows best.


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