Pivotal Quote
“Yes, the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) prayed the Wiṭr prayer in more than one way and yes, the Wiṭr in its entirety should be prayed audibly (out loud).“
سؤال وجواب – عربي – ١:٠١ دقائق
Question and Answer – English [1:22]
Our Shaykh, it has been narrated that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) performed Ṣalāh al-Wiṭr in more than one way, so how are we to pray it if it is more than two rakʿāhs at a time, and are all of them supposed to be audible recitation?
Yes, the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) prayed the Wiṭr prayer in more than one way and yes, the Wiṭr in its entirety should be prayed audibly (out loud). He prayed 11 rakʿāhs and a person when praying—and this prayer prayed at night may be called Wiṭr, it may be called Tarāwīḥ, it may be called Qiyām al-Layl—can pray two rakʿāhs, two rakʿāhs, two rakʿāhs, until he gets to ten, then pray one to make 11. Or a person could pray five continuous rakʿāhs with one taslīm at the end and then pray two, two, two until he gets to 11. A person can pray seven rakʿāhs with one taslīm. All of these are permissible fashions.