Is It True That There Is No Country That Rules By The Shari’ah Today? by Shaykh Dr. ʿArafāt ibn Ḥasan al-Muḥammadī

Pivotal Quote “Yes! There is The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia spreads Tawḥīd, it wages war against shirk and bid’ah, the adhān is called and all the stores are closed, and all the masājid are open and everyone goes to pray.  In this land there are …

Does The Ruling Regarding Protests And Demonstrations Differ Between The Muslim and Non Muslim Countries Since In The Non Muslim Countries It Is The Civil Right of The Citizen To Protest? by Shaykh Dr. ʿArafāt ibn Ḥasan al-Muḥammadī

Pivotal Quote “When Allāh’s Messenger ﷺ was in Makkah, he was a minority in a kafir land. Did he ever tell the ṣaḥābah, “Let’s go protest!”, did he ever tell the ṣaḥābah, “Let’s go demonstrate and riot!”?  This is misguidance! Did he ever say to them, “This is not a …

Is It Correct That We Cannot Say Something Is From The Methodology Of The Salaf Unless There Is Consensus? by Shaykh Dr. ʿArafāt ibn Ḥasan al-Muḥammadī

Pivotal Quote “This is the speech of an ignorant person and he is walking upon the path of the people of bid’ah, and he knows nothing about the path of the scholars; in fact he has not even read the books of the scholars. When it comes to ijmā’ of …

Should We Invite Our Family Over For ʿEid Ṣalāh At Our Homes In The Current State of Lockdown by Shaykh Sālim ibn ʾAbdullah Bāmiḥriz

Pivotal Quote “We advise our brothers not to go to their relatives’ home, to pray at their own homes and not to make large gatherings of people. It is for this reason, because of this pandemic that the ṣalāh has been prevented in order to avoid crowds of people. So …

Is It Permissible To Hold The Qur’ān In The ʿEid Prayer If One Does Not Know The Sūrahs Authentically Narrated To Have Been Recited In The ʿEid Prayer by Shaykh Sālim ibn ʾAbdullah Bāmiḥriz

Pivotal Quote “Yes, it is a Sunnah to recite these sūrahs but it is not obligatory. So a person should not make it difficult for themselves; they can recite any sūrah that they have memorised.” سؤال وجواب – عربي – ٠:٣٦ دقائق Question and Answer – English [0:28] Question: If …

After The ʿEid Prayer Should We Greet Our Family and Friends and What Is The Most Authentic ʿEid Greeting by Shaykh Sālim ibn ʾAbdullah Bāmiḥriz

Pivotal Quote “Yes, we continue to congratulate and greet one another after the ʿEid prayer, and the most authentic duʿāʾ we can say to one another on this occasion is, تَقَبَّلَ اللهُ مِنَّا وَمِنْكُم صَالِحَ الأعْمَال May Allāh accept from us and from you our righteous deeds.” سؤال وجواب – …

Do We Still Practice The Sunnah of Eating Dates Before We Leave For The ʿEid Ṣalāh Even Though It’s Being Prayed At Home by Shaykh Sālim ibn ʾAbdullah Bāmiḥriz

Pivotal Quote “Yes, we continue to practice this Sunnah even though we are not going out for the ʿEid prayer. So after we pray Fajr at home, then we eat seven dates (or any odd number) before making the ʿEid prayer, as a sign that we are no longer fasting …

Since The Prayer Will Be At Home During The Coronavirus Lockdown Then Is It Better To Pray In The House or Outside In One’s Yard or Garden by Shaykh Sālim ibn ʾAbdullah Bāmiḥriz

Pivotal Quote “Yes, if you have a yard outside your home, you are able to pray and there is no law against praying outside of your home (you are allowed to go outside), then there is no problem with that and it is permissible.’” سؤال وجواب – عربي – ٠:٤٠ …

When and How Should We Perform The Takbeer of ʿEid Now That In The Lockdown The Ṣalāh al-ʿEid Is Being Performed At Home by Shaykh Sālim ibn ʾAbdullah Bāmiḥriz

Pivotal Quote “So in our situation, we receive the news of the moon sighting, we continue to say this in our homes, otherwise, we would say it wherever we were. Since we are at home, we continue to say this in our homes to the extent that Allāh wills throughout …

Can I Appoint Someone In Another Country To Give Out Zakāh al-Fiṭr On My Behalf If I Cannot Find Poor Muslims In My City by Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī

Pivotal Quote “If you cannot find any, then yes, you may appoint someone else. You may either give them the food and they can deliver it to a poor and needy person or you can give another person money and that other person can buy the food and give it …