Can A Woman Correct Her Husband’s Recitation Aloud In Ṣalaḥ by Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī

Pivotal Quote “With regards to making a mistake in the recitation, if he is reading from a sūrah that she has memorised, then she corrects him and there is no harm in this.“ سؤال وجواب – عربي – ١:٠٠ دقائق Question and Answer – English [1:08] Question: Shaykh, may Allāh …

Is It Better To Pray Tarawīḥ In The Beginning of or Last Third of The Night Now That The Mosques are Closed For The Corona Virus Lockdown by Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī

Pivotal Quote “The general principle for Ṣalāh al-ʿIshāʾ and likewise for the Night Prayer is that it is delayed—this is the general aṣl (origin). From the Sunnah, if a person prays by himself and he intends to pray and he knows that he is not going to be overcome by …

In This Corona Virus Pandemic Can A Medical Worker Shave His Beard To Fit Into His Face Mask Properly by Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī

Pivotal Quote “And the ḥadīth, “Whoever leaves something for the Sake of Allāh, then Allāh replaces it with something even better.” Therefore, the person should not be in a rush to cut his beard, neither by trimming it nor shaving it. Rather, he should try to find an alternative.“ سؤال …

Is Closing The Mosques Because of The COVID-19 Pandemic Considered Not Having Trust In Allāh by Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī

Pivotal Quote “The decision that has been made by the Scholars and the doctors of our time is something that is in the best interest of the people so that they do not mix together and this disease is not spread. And so, we must return our affairs to our …

During The COVID-19 Lockdown Can We Stockpile Food Commodities or Is That Considered Blameworthy Hoarding by Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī

Pivotal Quote “You buy enough things to stay at home so you can minimise the number of times you have to go out and minimise your contact at the marketplace.However, going to an extreme and buying things that you do not need, just stockpiling canned foods and the likes, this …

As There Are Social Distancing Regulations Due To COVID-19, Should We Pray Individually or In Congregation At Work by Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī

Pivotal Quote “As long as they are all there together and they have to be there and they are gathered anyway, they should go ahead and pray as a jamāʿah and they should not pray each one individually in the same workplace.” سؤال وجواب – عربي – ٠:٣٦ دقائق Question …

Even Though The Mosques Are Closed Due To COVID-19 Can We Gather Outside The Mosque or In A House To Pray In Congregation by Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī

Pivotal Quote “…applying the principle that we have in Islām, which was worded by the Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم), “There is no harm, initiating or reciprocating.” So by gathering together there is a potential harm of one person being sick and getting everyone else sick, and so we are …

Is It Extreme To Avoid Hugging and Kissing Loved Ones During The COVID-19 Social Distancing Rules by Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī

Pivotal Quote “As for the people in your house (your wife and your kids), you will know whether or not they are sick. So this does not apply to them. If there is someone in your house who is sick, you have that person minimise contact with the others so …

Since Ṣalāh al-Jumuʿah Is Cancelled Due to COVID-19, Is It Allowed To Go To Work on Friday by Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī

Pivotal Quote “So that is when the call is made for the prayer, when the adhān is called for Ṣalāh al-Jumuʿah. If there is no Ṣalāh al-Jumuʿah and there is no adhān, then there is no problem if the Muslim continues to work during this time and prays Ẓuhr four …

Is The Corona Virus A Punishment From Allāh To China For Their Oppression of The Uyghur Muslims by Shaykh Dr. ʿAbdullah ibn Ṣulfīq aẓ-Ẓafīrī

Pivotal Quote “We cannot say with certainty that Allāh (عز وجل) has sent this disease as a punishment for what was mentioned. What we do know with certainty is that it is the Sunnah of Allāh in His creation and with His servants not to abandon His believing servants, not …