Are Sins Magnified In Dhul Ḥijjah by Shaykh Abū Ḥakīm Bilāl ibn Aḥmad Davis

Pivotal Excerpt ❝No doubt a sin performed in the ʿashr (ten) of Dhul Ḥijjah is considered and recorded as one sin but the enormity of the sin is what we should be aware of.❞ Question and Answer [3:26 Mins] Question: What about evil actions in Dhul Ḥijjah is there greater …

Is there a double reward for making up fasts from Ramaḍān in Dhul Ḥijjah by Shaykh Abū Ḥakīm Bilāl ibn Aḥmad Davis

Pivotal Excerpt ❝…no doubt the reward is multiplied and that is from the fiqh of an individual that he delays the making up of these days until this time.❞ Question and Answer [1:37 Mins] Question: Is there a double reward for making up fasts from Ramaḍān in Dhul Ḥijjah? Answer: …

Is It Permissible For A Woman To Travel With Her Non-Muslim Father As A Maḥram by Shaykh Ḥasan Ṣomālī

Pivotal Excerpt ❝As highlighted by Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymīn (رحمه الله), “It is allowed for a Muslim woman to travel with her non-Muslim father as a maḥram, with the condition that the father can be trusted and that the daughter is safe with him.”❞ Question and Answer [1:00 Mins] Question: Is …

Is It The Sunnah To Touch The Hand on The Chest After Shaking The Hand of A Muslim by Shaykh Ḥasan Ṣomālī

Pivotal Excerpt ❝Shaykh Ibn Bāz was asked, “I see that some people, after shaking hands, they kiss their hand, or place their hand upon their chest as an expression of greater affection. Is this permissible? Benefit us, may Allāh reward you.” The Shaykh (رحمه الله) said, “This action of theirs …

Offering Condolences To A Non-Muslim At The Death of One of Their Family Members by Shaykh Ḥasan Ṣomālī

Pivotal Excerpt ❝As it relates to the Kāfir – he is ghayr al-ḥarbī – (someone who is not at war or hostile to the Muslims). Imām An-Nawawī (رحمه الله) mentions, ويجوز للمسلم أن يعزي الذمي بقريبه الذمي “It is permissible for the Muslim to offer condolences to the non-Muslim who …

Imitating The Hairstyles and Trends of The Non-Muslims by Shaykh Sālim Bāhmiḥriz, Shaykh ʿAbdullāh Bin Ṣulfīq Aẓ-Ẓafīrī, Shaykh Dr ʿArafāt Bin Ḥasan Al-Muḥammadī and Shaykh Ṣalāḥ Kantūsh Al-ʿAdanī

Pivotal Quote Shaykh ʿAbdullāh Bin Ṣulfīq Aẓ-Ẓafīrī (حفظه الله تعالى) said, ❝These types of imported customs and hairstyles are from the influence of shayṭān upon the human being. It is (considered) changing the creation of Allāh (سبحانه وتعالى) in addition to distorting the natural features and form of the human …